Automatic fire extinguishing system for cars

CAR VIPER is used to protect the enclosure of passenger car engines.

Basic information:

  • Volume of extinguishing agent: 500g +/- 10g
  • Protected area: 1m3
  • Length of tube: 2.1m
  • Hose diameter: 18mm

The polyamide hose is filled with the gas agent FE-200 (heptaflurpropane) and is closed.

In the event of a fire, the hose will burn through at the point where the flame is created and start extinguishing the engine's protected area without causing major damage. There is no danger to the occupants of the vehicle. After extinguishing the fire, they evaporate and no extinguishing agent remains in the room. Installation of CAR VIPER is very easy.

The product is available in two variants:

  1. without manometer
  2. including manometer for an easy check of its functionality

The operating pressure at 20 ° C is 2.0 bar. When the engine is running, the pressure will increase up to 10 - 12 bar at 90 - 100 ° C.